Permian Basin: Your Perfect Location Awaits
The Permian Basin is quintessential Texas: developer-friendly, business-friendly, and just plain people-friendly. The energy industry is booming here, but we are also diversified. We welcome everyone from global industries to small businesses, from established manufacturers to entrepreneurs. Here, businesses can find success with help from leaders in the 17 counties that are members of the Permian Basin Regional Planning Commission (PBRPC); and residents can lead fulfilled lives under big skies with good schools, welcoming neighbors, endless opportunities, and the services they need.
Need a place to start? Peruse our members’ community profiles and don’t hesitate to contact our knowledgeable staff for guidance. Our expertise at PBRPC is connecting residents, business owners, and site selectors with the resources and answers they need. We know the Permian Basin, and we know success is waiting for you here.
Helpful Region-Wide Resources
While each member county profile has specific information, these resources are formatted region-wide for ease of reference.