The Permian Basin Regional Planning Commission Observes Economic Development Week
10 May 2024
The Permian Basin Regional Planning Commission (PBRPC) is thrilled to celebrate Economic Development Week (EDW) from May 6th to May 10th. This annual event, established by the International Economic Development Council, shines a spotlight on the significance of economic development in our region and worldwide. Join us as we acknowledge the efforts and impact of economic development professionals in driving growth, creating jobs, and significantly enhancing the quality of life in the Permian Basin.
Understanding the Role of the Permian Basin Regional Planning Commission
The Permian Basin Regional Planning Commission serves as the Economic Development District for the Permian Basin, fostering intergovernmental cooperation and conducting comprehensive regional planning. It provides a forum for studying and resolving area-wide problems, working closely with cities, counties, and special districts to expand existing industries, recruit new industries, and maintain regional competitiveness.
The Commission's Regional Services Department is a comprehensive resource for county and city officials. It supports economic and business development activities to create a region of economic growth and prosperity.
The Permian Basin Regional Planning Commission offers the following core services to support economic development and regional growth:
- Coordination of grants and funding programs for economic development initiatives
- Facilitation of intergovernmental cooperation for regional planning and development
- Analysis of economic resources and trends in the region
- Assistance to local governments in economic and business development activities
- Advocacy for the region's economic interests at the federal and state levels
Additionally, the PBRPC recognizes the economic development entities of the Permian Basin including:
- Andrews Economic Development Corporation
- Big Spring Texas Economic Development
- Fort Stockton Economic Development
- Iraan-Sheffield Chamber of Commerce and Economic Development
- Lamesa Economic Development Corporation
- McCamey Economic Development Corporation
- Midland Economic Development Corporation
- Monahans Economic Development Co
- Odessa Economic Development Corporation
- Pecos Economic Development Co
- Permian Strategic Partnership
- Seminole Economic Development Corporation
- Stanton Economic Development Corporation
Unlock Business Growth with the Permian Basin Regional Planning Commission
During EDW, we celebrate the hard work and dedication of our economic developers and local leaders, who are committed to driving economic growth and improving our community's quality of life. We invite you to join us in recognizing their efforts and learning more about economic development's impact on our region.
To learn more about how the Permian Basin Regional Planning Commission can support your business or to get involved in our economic development initiatives, visit