Permian Basin’s Area Agency on Aging Helping Texas’ Elder Community
2 Mar 2023
Announcements, Economic Development
The Texas’ Permian Basin Region is known as a good place to retire and that means taking care of our elderly citizens. The Area Agency on Aging (AAA) is focused on doing just this! The AAA is part of the Permian Basin Regional Planning Commission (PBRPC) supports 17 counties in Texas through intergovernmental cooperation and coordination and is helping several core programs thrive here, including the AAA. The AAA advocates for the aging community here and understands what it means to age with dignity!
The AAA is Helping Texas’ Aging Communities with Vital Services
With the help of the PBRPC and important funding through the Older Americans Act; the AAA provides our aging residents with vital services to increase their quality of life as they age. The mission of the AAA is to provide these services, enhancing the independence and well-being of the region’s aging population. Click here to learn more about the AAA and how we are helping the aging communities of Texas today!
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