Permian Basin Criminal Justice Department Helping Texas Stay Safe!

9 Mar 2023

Announcements, Economic Development

The Permian Basin’s Criminal Justice Department, with the help of the Permian Basin Regional Planning Commission (PBRPC), is keeping Texas communities safe! The PBRPC is a commission that assists in many regional programs, including our criminal justice department. The PBRPC has been operating the region’s law enforcement academy for over 50 years! 

Permian Basic Benefits From Local Criminal Justice Programs

The PBRPC aids local governments and nonprofit entities with criminal justice programs to ensure proper funding and training are provided. The Permian Basin Law Enforcement Academy (PBLEA) provides invaluable training to law enforcement and jailers making sure that all law enforcement personnel have adequate, accurate, and enhanced professional abilities to perform this important job. Click here to learn more about the Permian Basin Criminal Justice Department and how the PBRPC is helping law enforcement achieve the highest education and training!

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